Soccer (Boys V)

Goshen Boys Soccer vs Mishawaka

By Josh Snyder | Sep 16, 2024 9:01 PM

The Goshen varsity boys were victorious over Mishawaka by a score of 9-0. Goals were scored by Chino Torres(2), Adam Torres(2), Will Richardson(2), Yurem Hernandez, Landon Clayton, and Mayolo Salazar. Assists were provided by Chino Torres(2), Landon Clayton(2), Yurem Hernandez, Will Richardson, and Bentley Medina. Goshen's record now stands at 7-3-0. The RedHawks are back in action at home on Tuesday as they take on Bethany. There will be a half of JV at 5:45 followed by the varsity game at 6:45.